About Us

History and Principles


aru & Associates Law Firm combines the long and rich experience of its lawyers with solid principles and moral and social values which make the foundation of our activity.


ur purpose is our client and by this we mean that our entire activity and training revolve around our clients’ interests and benefits.


&A Law is an independent solicitors firm, with its headquarters in Bucharest, which imposes on the market through professionalism, scrupulousness and abnegation towards the client’s legal issues.


he values and principles on which we build and we keep building our reputation represent our business card.


ur consistency and perseverance in offering to our clients legal services of the highest quality as well as the professionalism of our lawyers represent our guidance and our purpose.


ur main quality is to offer to our clients the most practical and valid solutions by which our clients can solve in time the legal problems that they are bringing to us.


ur lawyers, besides the exceptional professionalism brought to their daily activity, the spirit and the intellectual commercial creativity, are totally dedicated to our clients and have as purpose the fulfillment of the clients’ objectives.


ur team works closely with other experts of different fields of activity and covers a large diversity of legal issues for providing to the clients legal services of the highest quality and they work also with lawyers from around the world.


&A Law combines successfully the practical and theoretical experience with efficiency for offering our clients the optimal legal frame that is adaptable to their needs.


he cooperation between the members of our team is the key to our success.

,The success of our clients is our success.”

T&A LAW Team

Principles and Values

Justitia in fide virtus represents the principle and the motto according to which we guide our entire activity.
Our law firm combines values and legal education with knowledge, understanding, dedication and loyalty toward our clients.

We are those legal professionals who implement with dedication and legal excellence in every branch of law for which we gathered our experience of over 20 years in the field. Each case is extremely important to us and that is why we treat it with the utmost seriousness. 98% of our clients are happy clients.

30/5000 Management and legal excellence

Selflessness and passion

Attachment and professionalism

Dedication and excellence